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February 10, 2011

Time to Relax but How Do I Do That?

by Andreas Schaefer

After finishing such a high-power project like the iOS app like the last one I have a hard time to settle down. But maybe it is a good idea not to relax too much and stay current with iOS technology.

I still have another app that I would love to finish but it turned out that there is more work necessary than planned. The app does not work well with a few things and the most important one is that it does not work when people want to share their data on multiple iOS devices. The solution would be to sync that data with a central place like a web server, a Mac desktop application or device to device synchronization. Each of these solution has its advantages and disadvantages.

That said I need to figure out if the remaining work is worth the effort or if I should scrap it and do something else. It would be definitively interesting to create a Mac application but that would not be usable for people without a Mac. I am not really inclined to create a web server even though doing something with Sling would be nice or to do device to device synchronization would be a challenge just to get it working.

As you can see I am already back in a heightened attention level (maybe I am a professional ADD guy) ready to tackle the next challenge.

For this weekend though I am doing not much and go away one day to visit SeaWorld (at least that is planned).

Cheers – Andy


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