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It’s Time for a New Espresso Machine

Since a few years I am trying to replace our Pasquino Espresso machine because from time to time its acting weird and the come is not very consistent. It just might be that the grinder is not up to snuff or that it’s age (12 years) is taking its toll.

Based on my experiences of the past few years I have to admit I underestimated the importance of the grinder. Even though I don’t have a blade or cheap burr grinder mine does not produce the consistent results I need to make consistent espresso. So this time I am going to buy a grinder that fits the espresso machine. After looking around on the internet quite some time I narrowed my search down to the Caedo E37 grinder because it doesn’t have a dossier (less waste), it looks sturdy enough to produce consistent results and it is damn easy to clean so that my espresso doesn’t get bad because of old ground.

For the Espresso machine I am probably going with the Expbar Brutus IV because it looks sturdy and powerful enough for the espresso I desire.

Finally just to point it out I don’t judge the quality of an espresso shot by its crema (foam of the shot) but by its viscosity. An Italian espresso shot has an oil like consistency rather than the water like ones you get at Starbucks. The only place where I get shots like that around my neighborhood is Peet’s Coffee Shop.

– Andy