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Alfred Powerpack: Bad Business Model?

Today I got an email from Alfred (Mac OS X app launcher) that Alfred is now two years old and to celebrate they offer the Powerpack with a 10% discount. I was thinking about buying it and it sounds reasonably priced but not with the limitations.

If I buy the current version it will run with 1.x release of Alfred which just turned two. That said I have no idea when they will release version 2.x. This prevents me from actually buying it or let’s say it this way it makes they price rather unreasonable. I paid more for software but all of them do more like Omnifocus, Omnigraffle, Pixelmator etc.

To make it work for me the Alfred team either needs to give us an idea how long 1.x is the current version or limit the time the license is valid like 2 years.

Finally the mega-support license is great but then how long will be Alfred around so that my investment is worthwhile.

For now I use the free but limited Alfred without the Powerpack.

– Andy


Post with Blogsy

This is my first post using Blogsy to write a post on my iPad. Even though I prefer writing on my MacBook Air it is nice to write it on a small device like the iPad.


– Andy


Mac OS X Tip: Manage Screenshots with DEVONthing

Since a while I am thinking on how to manage screenshots the best. I take them but then are lurking around inside a directory and if I don’t head over, review and rename them I will loose the context and often they become worthless. What I want is to take a series of screenshots (for example to demonstrate how to do something), then review and rename them quickly.
Because I am using DEVONthink as my second brain where I just dump everything I need to keep an eye on or need to work on later and then use its search / quick preview feature to go over the entries and organize them correctly. The nice think about DEVONthink is that it has a directory for its Inbox in the file system that I can use to drop items there using Finder or any other file selection tool.
Now I started to think if it would be possible to use the Mac Screen Capture system to add these screenshots to DEVONthink so that I can review them, add tags and organize them correctly after I am done with taking the shots. So I followed the instruction from Mac World OS X Hints how to change the default location for screenshots and opened a terminal:

defaults write location \
    "/Users/<User Name>/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink Pro 2/Inbox"

Then I had to log out and log back in so that the change could take into effect.
Now when I take a screenshot it won’t appear on the Desktop but rather in the Inbox of DEVONthink where I can easily view them, add tags and copy them into the final destination.
– Andy